Friday 5 February 2010


Today we went to see the pyramids early in the morning. The weather was good; sun shining most of the time, though a bit windy and cloudy towards the end. It was a good experience to see the pyramids of which all of us have heard since primary school. However, there was an awful lot of "horse and camel-guys", as one Egyptian posing as a guide called them.

If you have not been to Egypt you might not know how close the pyramids actually are to Cairo. They are very close! Just situated in the outskirts of Cario, new and old Egypt meets each other. Of course, turists are abound and nothing seems authentic - but wow: those pyramids are breathtaking. Imagine that they were built about 4000 years ago.

After the pyramids we split up into smaller groups. Some of us visited Islamic Cairo and walked through the small streets with shops. Haggling is a national sport down here, which some of us Danes find particularly difficult. I think most of us are learning quickly though.

Today is friday and but also a holiday. I will get back to the specifics when I know more, bit suffice it to say that a lot of Egyptians had a day off. That ment less traffic but also different events around the city. The picture below is from a sufist dance act we saw in Islamic Cairo. One guy was singing while for dancers span round and round. They must have been spinning four half an hour when we finally left.

P.S. We know that we cannot spell human rights. We are working on a solution, but so far bare with us :-)

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