Thursday 4 February 2010

Partnership Project about Human Rights in Egypt and Denmark

The Danish Participants waiting at the airport in Cairo.

This is this the blog for the partnership project between Danish Social Liberal Youth and Andalus Institute in Egypt. The aim of the partnership is to promote human rights in Egypt and to work for cultural exchange between the Danish and Egyptian participants.

45 young Danes and Egyptian will meet for three seminars to learn about and discuss human rights. The first seminar is taking place this very weekend in Cairo, while the next is in May and the final in August.

The Danes arrived yesterday, very tired and stressed from the long journey. We left Denmark in the middle of a snow blizzard and through sheer luck (and German punctuality) we did not miss our connection flight in Munich. Here, the wheather is very mild compared to what we came from. We met up with the Egyptian Steering Committee last night and they and the Danish Steering Committee have spent the day preparing for the seminar.

We will write a lot more about our experiences on this blog.

Member of Danish Steering Committee
(Writing from a café just off the Nile)

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